Cryptocurrency portfolio tracker with Google Sheets

Posted on by Wim Mostmans
Crypto currency bar chart

When you are active in the crypto world you’ll know that having 3 or more different exchange accounts is not a strange thing. Certain coins (especially new ones) will only be listed on certain exchanges until they reach a certain cryptocurrency market capitalization which will force other exchanges to adopt them. I personally use both Binance and Coinbase as my main trading exchanges.

Cryptocurrency dashboard

This means that if you want to have a diverse portfolio of coins you will have to register on a few different exchanges to be able to buy into these new and upcomming coins.

Ofcourse with multiple exchange accounts comes the problem of having multiple portfolios which will be very hard to keep track of. Also most exchanges don’t give you a lot of insights about coins you bought. Things like cost average are pretty essential to get an idea about when you start to make a profit with a certain coin.

To solve this problem I’ve created a Google Sheet that can help you with this. I know that there are already a shit load of Google Sheets, Excel sheets and HTML implementations of this but none of them did actually what I wanted so I decided to create my own.

The Missing Pieces

Like I told before: I came across a bunch of implementations but most of them were bad implementations or didn’t report the most usefull metrics. To give you some examples:

My Tracker Implementation

My implementation is based on a order history. So if you buy or sell coins on any exchange you’ll add it to the Order History of the Google Sheet.

Cryptocurrency order history

All the other hard work and calculations is done for you. Based on these orders and data from the coinmarketcap API the sheet will calculate a bunch of usefull metrics which will be presented in a nice and digestable way.

Cryptocurrency tracker wallet

Get Started with my Crypto Tracker

Feel free to start using my cryptocurrency portfolio tracker Google Sheet. To start using it follow these steps:

  1. Open the Crypto Tracker
  2. Go to File > Make a copy ... and save the copy to your drive
  3. Go to Tools > Script Editor...
  4. Add 2 triggers via Edit > Current project's triggers. First add a trigger that calls refresh every hour. A second trigger should call refresh on spreadsheet open.
  5. Close the script editor and go to the Wallet history tab and remove all data
  6. Now you once have to insert all previous orders you made on all exchanges you are using

Any feedback, remarks or ideas are welcome in the comments.

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Wim Mostmans

About Wim Mostmans

Freelance full stack developer and Co-founder of the Employee Advocacy platform Ambassify, with a general interest for web technologies and electronics.

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